Sunday, February 10, 2013

BOOK V by Roshandra

Book V

Roshandra Micael Simone’
all rights reserved to original owner and may not be copied …owned by Roshandra M Simon

I always see the remedy in pain. I see the subtle gift and fidelity in angry quarrels and betrayals.
When I look down, I don't see the earth. And when i look up, I don't see the valut of the sky.
Whatever I glance at, I see YOU.
~ Rumi ~   

ARTIST Csaba Markus Original art

my main character is Botticelli's Venus on a Half  Shell...

Her 'innocence' he saw from the moment she walked into the room.   On the 'arm of her father', she was the only one not wearing a mask.  Her hair was loose in tendrals of auburn sun and light, a cascade of beauty around her face and form.  
He could not 'breathe' when his eyes beheld her.
Kismet happens all the time if only we 'show up' and see what has entered our Lives.
She walked towards him unknowing her love was standing there waiting for her.
"Breathe, he told himself, just breathe."

Book V  by Roshandra

Lovers across time and history and the stars 

allr rights reserved and owned by Roshandra 

and some Music Jason Charles Rogers is producing for the Project...
thank you Jason and ZILLO Records

The Entrance to his Uncle's Mansion was with this Theme of the SWANS
Love was waiting to be found and met that Night.
He carried his mask as his entrance to the Evening but she too carried her mask.
Neither of them wore their Swan masks.
The doors opened to their Hearts and this Love...

The SARABANDE' for Chapter One

The Kiss

Music from AZUL ...Cal Howard and his Deviant Art'

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